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Constraints of cart state, used for control and cartpole parametrization.


max absolute cart position (m)

TYPE: float | None


max absolute cart velocity (m/s)

TYPE: float | None


max absolute cart acceleration (m/s^2)

TYPE: float | None

Source code in cartpole/
class Limits(BaseModel):
    Constraints of cart state, used for control and cartpole parametrization.

    cart_position: float | None
        max absolute cart position (m)
    cart_velocity: float | None
        max absolute cart velocity (m/s)
    cart_acceleration: float | None
        max absolute cart acceleration (m/s^2)

    cart_position: float = 0.0
    cart_velocity: float = 0.0
    cart_acceleration: float = 0.0

    def stronger(self, other: "Limits") -> bool:
        Check if this limit is stronger (more restrictive) than the other.

        return (
            self.cart_position <= other.cart_position
            and self.cart_velocity <= other.cart_velocity
            and self.cart_acceleration <= other.cart_acceleration

stronger(other: Limits) -> bool

Check if this limit is stronger (more restrictive) than the other.

Source code in cartpole/
def stronger(self, other: "Limits") -> bool:
    Check if this limit is stronger (more restrictive) than the other.

    return (
        self.cart_position <= other.cart_position
        and self.cart_velocity <= other.cart_velocity
        and self.cart_acceleration <= other.cart_acceleration


CartPole dynamics parameters. Parameters are defined and matter only for simulation.

For more information see:


gravity constant (default 9.8 m/s^2)

TYPE: float


inner system parameters

TYPE: float


inner system parameters

TYPE: float

Source code in cartpole/
class Parameters(BaseModel):
    CartPole dynamics parameters.
    Parameters are defined and matter only for simulation.

    For more information see:

    gravity: float
        gravity constant (default 9.8 m/s^2)
    friction_coef: float
        inner system parameters
    mass_coef: float
        inner system parameters

    def make(
        mass: float,
        inertia: float,
        length: float,
        friction: float = 0.0,
        gravity: float = 9.81,
    ) -> "Parameters":
        Create parameters from physical properties.

        mass: float
            pole mass (kg)
        inertia: float
            pole moment of inertia (kg*m^2)
        length: float
            distance from the pivot to the center of mass (m)
        friction: float
            friction coefficient (N*s/m)
        gravity: float
            gravity constant (m/s^2)

        delimeter = mass * length * length + inertia

        return Parameters(
            friction_coef=friction / delimeter,
            mass_coef=(mass * length) / delimeter,

    gravity: float = 9.81
    friction_coef: float | None = None
    mass_coef: float | None = None

make(mass: float, inertia: float, length: float, friction: float = 0.0, gravity: float = 9.81) -> Parameters staticmethod

Create parameters from physical properties.


pole mass (kg)

TYPE: float


pole moment of inertia (kg*m^2)

TYPE: float


distance from the pivot to the center of mass (m)

TYPE: float


friction coefficient (N*s/m)

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.0


gravity constant (m/s^2)

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 9.81

Source code in cartpole/
def make(
    mass: float,
    inertia: float,
    length: float,
    friction: float = 0.0,
    gravity: float = 9.81,
) -> "Parameters":
    Create parameters from physical properties.

    mass: float
        pole mass (kg)
    inertia: float
        pole moment of inertia (kg*m^2)
    length: float
        distance from the pivot to the center of mass (m)
    friction: float
        friction coefficient (N*s/m)
    gravity: float
        gravity constant (m/s^2)

    delimeter = mass * length * length + inertia

    return Parameters(
        friction_coef=friction / delimeter,
        mass_coef=(mass * length) / delimeter,


CartPole configuration.


hardware limits

TYPE: Limits


control limits

TYPE: Limits


dynamics parameters (defined only for simulation)

TYPE: Parameters

Source code in cartpole/
class Config(BaseModel):
    CartPole configuration.

    hardware_limits: Limits
        hardware limits
    control_limits: Limits
        control limits
    parameters: Parameters
        dynamics parameters (defined only for simulation)

    hardware_limit: Limits = Limits()
    control_limit: Limits = Limits()
    parameters: Parameters = Parameters()

    def to_yaml(self) -> str:
        Convert config to yaml string.

        return yaml.dump(self.dict(), indent=2)

    def to_yaml_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        Save config to yaml file.

        with open(file_path, "w") as f:

    def from_yaml(yaml_str: str) -> "Config":
        Load config from yaml string.

        return Config.parse_obj(yaml.load(yaml_str, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))

    def from_yaml_file(file_path: str) -> "Config":
        Load config from yaml file.

        with open(file_path, "r") as f:
            return Config.from_yaml(

to_yaml() -> str

Convert config to yaml string.

Source code in cartpole/
def to_yaml(self) -> str:
    Convert config to yaml string.

    return yaml.dump(self.dict(), indent=2)

to_yaml_file(file_path: str) -> None

Save config to yaml file.

Source code in cartpole/
def to_yaml_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
    Save config to yaml file.

    with open(file_path, "w") as f:

from_yaml(yaml_str: str) -> Config staticmethod

Load config from yaml string.

Source code in cartpole/
def from_yaml(yaml_str: str) -> "Config":
    Load config from yaml string.

    return Config.parse_obj(yaml.load(yaml_str, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))

from_yaml_file(file_path: str) -> Config staticmethod

Load config from yaml file.

Source code in cartpole/
def from_yaml_file(file_path: str) -> "Config":
    Load config from yaml file.

    with open(file_path, "r") as f:
        return Config.from_yaml(


CartPole system error codes.


no error


reset system before use (make homing)


cart position is out of control limit


cart velocity is out of control limit


cart acceleration is out of control limit


some hardware error (specific for real device)

Source code in cartpole/
class Error(enum.IntEnum):
    CartPole system error codes.

        no error
        reset system before use (make homing)
        cart position is out of control limit
        cart velocity is out of control limit
        cart acceleration is out of control limit
        some hardware error (specific for real device)

    NO_ERROR = 0
    NEED_RESET = 1
    HARDWARE = 5

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return self != Error.NO_ERROR

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.value)


System state.


cart position (m)

TYPE: float


cart velocity (m/s)

TYPE: float


cart acceleration (m/s^2)

TYPE: float


absolute accumulated pole angle (rad)

TYPE: float


pole angular velocity (rad/s)

TYPE: float


system time stamp (s)

TYPE: float


system error code

TYPE: Error

Source code in cartpole/
class State(BaseModel):
    System state.

    cart_position: float
        cart position (m)
    cart_velocity: float
        cart velocity (m/s)
    cart_acceleration: float
        cart acceleration (m/s^2)

    pole_angle: float
        absolute accumulated pole angle (rad)
    pole_angular_velocity: float
        pole angular velocity (rad/s)

    stamp: float
        system time stamp (s)
    error: Error
        system error code

    cart_position: float = 0.0
    cart_velocity: float = 0.0
    cart_acceleration: float = 0.0

    pole_angle: float = 0.0
    pole_angular_velocity: float = 0.0

    stamp: float = 0.0
    error: Error = Error.NO_ERROR

    class Config:
        def json_schema_extra(schema: Any, model: Any) -> None:
            # make schema lightweight
            schema.pop("definitions", None)

            properties = schema["properties"]
            for name in properties:
                properties[name].pop("title", None)

            # simplify schema for foxglove
            properties["error"] = {"type": "integer", "enum": [e.value for e in Error]}

    def validate(self, config: Config) -> None:
        Validates state against limits.

        if self.error:
            return  # keep error

        if abs(self.cart_position) > config.hardware_limit.cart_position:
            self.error = Error.CART_POSITION_OVERFLOW

        if abs(self.cart_velocity) > config.hardware_limit.cart_velocity:
            self.error = Error.CART_VELOCITY_OVERFLOW

        if abs(self.cart_acceleration) > config.hardware_limit.cart_acceleration:
            self.error = Error.CART_ACCELERATION_OVERFLOW

    def copy(self) -> "State":
        Returns deep copy of the state.
        return State(**self.dict())

    def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
        Returns tuple (cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, pole_angular_velocity).
        return (

    def torch4(self) -> torch.Tensor:
        Returns state tuple as torch vector.
        return torch.tensor(self.as_tuple(), dtype=torch.float32)

    def numpy4(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
        Returns state tuple as numpy vector.
        return numpy.array(self.as_tuple(), dtype=numpy.float32)

validate(config: Config) -> None

Validates state against limits.

Source code in cartpole/
def validate(self, config: Config) -> None:
    Validates state against limits.

    if self.error:
        return  # keep error

    if abs(self.cart_position) > config.hardware_limit.cart_position:
        self.error = Error.CART_POSITION_OVERFLOW

    if abs(self.cart_velocity) > config.hardware_limit.cart_velocity:
        self.error = Error.CART_VELOCITY_OVERFLOW

    if abs(self.cart_acceleration) > config.hardware_limit.cart_acceleration:
        self.error = Error.CART_ACCELERATION_OVERFLOW

copy() -> State

Returns deep copy of the state.

Source code in cartpole/
def copy(self) -> "State":
    Returns deep copy of the state.
    return State(**self.dict())

as_tuple() -> tuple[float, float, float, float]

Returns tuple (cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, pole_angular_velocity).

Source code in cartpole/
def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]:
    Returns tuple (cart_position, pole_angle, cart_velocity, pole_angular_velocity).
    return (

torch4() -> torch.Tensor

Returns state tuple as torch vector.

Source code in cartpole/
def torch4(self) -> torch.Tensor:
    Returns state tuple as torch vector.
    return torch.tensor(self.as_tuple(), dtype=torch.float32)

numpy4() -> numpy.ndarray

Returns state tuple as numpy vector.

Source code in cartpole/
def numpy4(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
    Returns state tuple as numpy vector.
    return numpy.array(self.as_tuple(), dtype=numpy.float32)


Control command, used to set desired cart acceleration.

  1. Only acceleration is specified, cart moves with target acceleration.

  2. Velocity is specified, but position is not. Cart reaches velocity, with target acceleration (absolute value needed). If acceleration is not specified, used control limit as a default.

  3. Position is specified. Cart reaches position with target velocity/accleration, using bang-bang strategy. If velocity/accleration is not specified (absolute value needed), use control limit as a default.


desired cart position (m)

TYPE: float | None


desired cart velocity (m/s)

TYPE: float | None


desired cart acceleration (m/s^2)

TYPE: float | None

Source code in cartpole/
class Target(BaseModel):
    Control command, used to set desired cart acceleration.

    1. Only acceleration is specified, cart moves with target acceleration.

    2. Velocity is specified, but position is not. Cart reaches velocity, with target acceleration (absolute value needed).
    If acceleration is not specified, used control limit as a default.

    3. Position is specified. Cart reaches position with target velocity/accleration, using bang-bang strategy.
    If velocity/accleration is not specified (absolute value needed), use control limit as a default.

    position: float | None
        desired cart position (m)
    velocity: float | None
        desired cart velocity (m/s)
    acceleration: float | None
        desired cart acceleration (m/s^2)

    position: float | None = None
    velocity: float | None = None
    acceleration: float | None = None

    def acceleration_or(self, default: float) -> float:
        Returns acceleration or default value.
        return self.acceleration if self.acceleration is not None else default

    def velocity_or(self, default: float) -> float:
        Returns velocity or default value.
        return self.velocity if self.velocity is not None else default

    def validate(self, config: Config) -> None:
        Validates target against limits.

        if self.acceleration is not None:
            assert abs(self.acceleration) <= config.control_limit.cart_acceleration

        if self.velocity is not None:
            assert abs(self.velocity) <= config.control_limit.cart_velocity

            if self.acceleration is not None:
                assert self.acceleration >= 0

        if self.position is not None:
            assert abs(self.position) <= config.control_limit.cart_position

            if self.velocity is not None:
                assert self.velocity >= 0
            if self.acceleration is not None:
                assert self.acceleration >= 0

acceleration_or(default: float) -> float

Returns acceleration or default value.

Source code in cartpole/
def acceleration_or(self, default: float) -> float:
    Returns acceleration or default value.
    return self.acceleration if self.acceleration is not None else default

velocity_or(default: float) -> float

Returns velocity or default value.

Source code in cartpole/
def velocity_or(self, default: float) -> float:
    Returns velocity or default value.
    return self.velocity if self.velocity is not None else default

validate(config: Config) -> None

Validates target against limits.

Source code in cartpole/
def validate(self, config: Config) -> None:
    Validates target against limits.

    if self.acceleration is not None:
        assert abs(self.acceleration) <= config.control_limit.cart_acceleration

    if self.velocity is not None:
        assert abs(self.velocity) <= config.control_limit.cart_velocity

        if self.acceleration is not None:
            assert self.acceleration >= 0

    if self.position is not None:
        assert abs(self.position) <= config.control_limit.cart_position

        if self.velocity is not None:
            assert self.velocity >= 0
        if self.acceleration is not None:
            assert self.acceleration >= 0


The class specifies a interface of the CartPole (device or simulation). A pole is attached by an joint to a cart, which moves along guide axis. The pendulum is initially at rest state. The goal is to maintain it in upright pose by increasing and reducing cart's acceleration.

This environment is some variation of the cart-pole problem described by Barto, Sutton, and Anderson. A pole is at starting position 0 with no velocity and acceleration.

Source code in cartpole/
class CartPoleBase:
    The class specifies a interface of the CartPole (device or simulation).
    A pole is attached by an joint to a cart, which moves along guide axis.
    The pendulum is initially at rest state. The goal is to maintain it in
    upright pose by increasing and reducing cart's acceleration.

    This environment is some variation of the cart-pole problem
    described by Barto, Sutton, and Anderson.
    A pole is at starting position 0 with no velocity and acceleration.

    def get_config(self) -> Config:
        Get current configuration of the device.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_config(self, config: Config) -> None:
        Sets new configuration for the device. Real device ignore hardware limits and parameters.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def reset(self, state: State = State()) -> None:
        Resets the device to the state. It must be called at the beginning of any session.
        For real device only position may be set.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_state(self) -> State:
        Returns current device state.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_info(self) -> BaseModel:
        Returns usefull debug information as BaseModel.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_target(self, target: Target) -> State:
        Set desired target acceleration and returns current state.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def advance(self, delta: float) -> None:
        Advance system by delta seconds (has means only for simulation).

        delta: float
            time step in seconds
        raise NotImplementedError

    def close(self) -> None:
        Free all allocated resources.
        raise NotImplementedError

get_config() -> Config

Get current configuration of the device.

Source code in cartpole/
def get_config(self) -> Config:
    Get current configuration of the device.
    raise NotImplementedError

set_config(config: Config) -> None

Sets new configuration for the device. Real device ignore hardware limits and parameters.

Source code in cartpole/
def set_config(self, config: Config) -> None:
    Sets new configuration for the device. Real device ignore hardware limits and parameters.
    raise NotImplementedError

reset(state: State = State()) -> None

Resets the device to the state. It must be called at the beginning of any session. For real device only position may be set.

Source code in cartpole/
def reset(self, state: State = State()) -> None:
    Resets the device to the state. It must be called at the beginning of any session.
    For real device only position may be set.
    raise NotImplementedError

get_state() -> State

Returns current device state.

Source code in cartpole/
def get_state(self) -> State:
    Returns current device state.
    raise NotImplementedError

get_info() -> BaseModel

Returns usefull debug information as BaseModel.

Source code in cartpole/
def get_info(self) -> BaseModel:
    Returns usefull debug information as BaseModel.
    raise NotImplementedError

set_target(target: Target) -> State

Set desired target acceleration and returns current state.

Source code in cartpole/
def set_target(self, target: Target) -> State:
    Set desired target acceleration and returns current state.
    raise NotImplementedError

advance(delta: float) -> None

Advance system by delta seconds (has means only for simulation).

Parameters: delta: float time step in seconds

Source code in cartpole/
def advance(self, delta: float) -> None:
    Advance system by delta seconds (has means only for simulation).

    delta: float
        time step in seconds
    raise NotImplementedError

close() -> None

Free all allocated resources.

Source code in cartpole/
def close(self) -> None:
    Free all allocated resources.
    raise NotImplementedError